Sold End lv 40 w/ 31 SSR all get -Shiyoung + 5 MLB + 11k CP + 23 k Quartz - 60

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alvinyartha, 6/7/21.

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  1. Alvinyartha

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    Wts Mid to End acc with 31 SSR inc dupe and 2 ticket ssr on storage
    All ssr get except shiyoung and ssr from side story. Have 5 mlb and will keep increase
    Pity shiyoung 90 and you can get her if you pull her using ticket + quartz
    CN and selective off but can buy change nick on shop with Quartz
    Progress SSR ship almost done. And have 23 k quartz. Will keep until awakening banner out
    Login by gmail and account never top up anything
    Price and quartz will keep update until sold

    End lv 40 w/ 31 SSR all get -Shiyoung + 5 MLB + 11k CP + 23 k Quartz - 60$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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