Sold Lapis/Mav/Fynn triple purple stone 22000gems 31mbs 5 nego

Discussion in 'Summoners War Lost Centuria Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by RoyZhang, 6/5/21.

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  1. RoyZhang

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    [>World top player<, I only sell account with real value, not whales with bunch of useless legendaries, value measures and verified by real combat experience]

    Sellling this unbind beginning account
    1 top hero lapis with purple skill stone
    5 legendaries including the new Seara and dups
    Chill sale: $5 # PayPal fnf
    Discord: Athelena/totem#1669
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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