Selling    Average  Level 150+  Original Owner (Yes) Cod mobile account for sale, season 1-6

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell CODM Account' started by Jey rivera, 6/2/21.

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  1. Jey rivera

    Jey rivera
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    Hi, im selling my cod account for someone else to enjoy. I haven’t played for weeks and i no longer have any use for the account. I have fully completed battle passes 1-6 with the exception of 5-i think i got halfway on that one. I also have items from other various seasons but since i was on and off with this game so much ive forgotten which ones. To further raise the incentive i have around 50 dollars worth of bundles. Hvk eruption, dlq eruption, ak117 smart rifle, m4smart rifle, s36 heavy duty.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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