Sold END GAME LVL 35 13 Ssr+ 16.8k quartz + 2 ssr tickets + 95 summon tickets 45

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PswHaru, 5/30/21.

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  1. PswHaru

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    Hi, I'm selling my Counter:side sea acc.

    Account details:

    Most of the details are on the pictures.
    Most part of the event shop is claimed.
    There are more than 5000 points from the pvp to spend.
    The account is linked to a twitter acc, so I will give the acc + the twitter acc.
    A lot of SR on the management section.
    ACC LVL: 35
    I will keep playing with the acc until I sell it.

    Price: $45 Paypal only.
    Discord: Sung Haru#6915

    END GAME LVL 35 13 Ssr+ 16.8k quartz + 2 ssr tickets + 95 summon tickets $45
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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