Sold Whale Endgame account at level 11 to 12 (almost complete box without Seara)

Discussion in 'Summoners War Lost Centuria Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by donovan1234, 5/30/21.

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  1. donovan1234

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    This is an endgame account and has reach top 100 before. I didn't play much during reset the last 1-2 weeks as I am focusing on another game but it manages to stay within the 200 + rank.

    This account is heavily invested and whaled before therefore you can see most of the units are very high in level (around 10-12) and there are many high level and quality runes that come along with it (Hero and Legend runes).

    This account can play lushen nuke or Hwa/sophia/ragdoll/fynn/kahli snipe or even...

    Whale Endgame account at level 11 to 12 (almost complete box without Seara)!!!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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