Selling  Android and iOS  High End 7kk TCP - BO 618k - Arena +50 - 634 Days Old Account

Discussion in 'Marvel Strike Force Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lucasseba, 5/27/21.

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  1. lucasseba

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    Hello there!

    First of all, this account doesn't have a high TCP, but all the resources were well managed and spent in the right characters.

    Here's all the details:

    TCP: 7.284.373
    Strongest Team: 724.612
    Total Characters Collected: 163
    Maxed Characters: 20
    Arena Best Rank: 5 (this account arena seed is not that hard, so you can manage your way up)
    Recent Arena Rank: 38
    Silver Promotion Credits: 91
    Gold Promotion Credits: 182
    Ions: 861k
    Cores: 2779

    Characters not owned: Ultimus; Colleen Wing; Jubilee (will be in the next event); Doc. Doom (almost done with dd4); Misty Knight.

    DD4 - Cosmic Node 8 - 27kk HP left - Still in work, so you might get it further - Characters in use are: Hela, Thanos, Proxima and Minnerva (best setup possible);

    City nodes are not ready, because of BIO gear bottleneck. Night Nurse 6* 4RS G14 - Anti-venom 4* 4RS G14 - Scream 5* 4RS G13 and SSM 6* 6RS G15 (he'll carry through the nodes)

    As for the Legendary nodes: Black Bolt 7* 6RS G15; Ebony Maw 6* 4RS G14; Invisible Woman 6* 4RS G13; you can choose the 4th character, but I'd consider bringing Doc Oc or Jubilee (they aren't built up yet);

    This account can do U7.5 with no worries, except for the central nodes, and has no problems with greeks also.

    Black Order can fight for the top 50 in arena with no worries, just start it 1h10min before arena's rewards and you'll be fine.

    You can either choose between a good attack on war or a good defense, but it's not good enough for both, you'll need to spend some gold and farm some gear, I expect it a couple more months.

    In sumary, I know the game and have been trying to build this account up thinking about the #.

    If you're interested in a second account, I have one, but it's not that good, because a friend stopped playing and gave it to me.

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