Sold End-game Lv 33 18 SSR Top Tier l 3x6 + Quartz 15400

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ramsya, 5/24/21.

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  1. ramsya

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    Selling this End-game account lv 33 with 18 SSR top tier
    6th day login since this thread created

    *"if get Chinatsu from free roll, can get all SSR in next 2 weeks xD"

    Orca + Yang + Kyle + Gaeun + x2 Elizabeth + Xiao Lin + Shin Jia + Lumi + x2 Chifuyu + x2 Terminator + x2 Hayami + x2 Seo

    6⭐: Xiao Lin...

    End-game Lv 33 18 SSR Top Tier l 3x6⭐ + Quartz 15400
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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