Hobbit Lvl 100 Account for sale: 32+ Billion might + Boxed might Maxed Buffs 270/270 All Hero Skills unlocked Thousands of speedups Extra city buffs for attk and def Many LVL 1 and 2 Legendary pieces Each city is built for a specific tier to train for max might gain. 5 Cities All Main Heroes LVL 250 This account I have had since the game was started. I have been slowly discontinuing to play. The account has Lvl 8 gems LVL 7 and many of all colored gems as well. Full attack heroes full defense heroes I could list every thing the account has, but that would take up a few pages. If any are interested please email me at [email protected] and I would be happy to discuss in length what the whole account has. Lots of time invested. This account would be a great account for those who don't want to start from zero. I will keep up with daily login and new gear/gems to keep the account current. Thanks and again feel free to message for more in depth stats on the account.