Axe lumperjack T8 - lvl 4 PickAxe Ore T8- lvl 1 hammar T6 this items for gathering --------------------------------------------- I upgrade island to lvl 6 1- Animel breeder lvl 44 2-crop farmer lvl 85 3-Herbalist lvl 63 --------------------------------------------- Items for fightings 1-plat boots fights lvl 100 2-Axe fighter lvl 100 3-leather jack fighter lvl 100 4-leather hood fighter lvl 100 5-nature staff fighter lvl 100 / great nature lvl 100 6-Dagger lvl 100 7-Cloth Cowl fighter lvl 100 8-Priest (healing staff) lvl 100 9-warlock lvl 54 10-bow fighter lvl 70 11- Crossbow figher lvl 60 12-plat helmet lvl 88 13-plat armor fighter lvl 62 another items 50 or 40 or 30 or 60 lvl ---------------------------------------------- I have learning points (1065) and i have items for 5m silver on box market ------------------------------------------------------------ I have 3 skins for Rining horse and one for armor horse and 1 for Ox and one for swiftclaw ( iron swiftclaw) and i have cute skin and full skin for my character ------------------------------------------------------------ 2m fame for gathering and alot for mode and little for PVP ---------------------------------------------------------------- i sell it without email bc i cant chang email inbox me facebook :