Sold Mid game account

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NotKuroooo, 5/24/21.

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  1. NotKuroooo

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    Mid game account lvl 33
    mentor quest 4/10
    normal all clear not full star
    hard only 1 and 4 not full star
    can still get 4k+ quartz there
    Free contract all complete not full star
    can farm fc 3-3-3 and hard 4-4-1
    dive only at 7
    simulation can do all lvl 90
    103 employment tickets
    t4-t6 gears good set
    full atk speed set on gaeun with unique weapon
    9.5k quartz
    many cubes for lb
    havent got 7 day ssr selector
    only estarossa, sanae, lumi and mech ssr havent got yet
    gaeun max...

    Mid game account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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