Sold 17x Legends S tier Tesarion + Purple Stone , Perna Ganymede stone,etc (20 )

Discussion in 'Summoners War Lost Centuria Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Angyoonshi100, 5/23/21.

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  1. Angyoonshi100

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    Selling SW Lost Centuria account :
    Rank diamond , gmail dummy ( can be changed to your own gmail/hive) ,
    3k crystals

    17x Legends (Including dupe) ,many skill stone (pm for details) & spells

    Tesarion + Purple stone ( AoE Stun ) ,
    3x Perna + Green stone ( -Mana cost) ,
    2x Ganymede + Green stone (-Mana cost)
    3x Camilla , 2x Woosa , 2x Hathor, Artamiel, Rakan, Poseidon,Ragdoll.

    Price : 20$ paypal fnf

    If you interested/asking for details you can PM me here or Add my discord : spebut#0124...

    17x Legends S tier Tesarion + Purple Stone , Perna&Ganymede stone,etc (20$)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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