Sold Endgame lv 33| 16 SSR with 3x 6 units + 14.3 Quartz| Silver rank 9,2k CP PVP

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tazsa, 5/23/21.

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  1. Tazsa

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    Selling SEA Counterside Endgame Account

    Account Lv33 (Day 5)
    Quartz 14,3k + 17 summons ticket and Many resources
    Silver Rank PVP Current Peak

    PVP Full Team CP: 9284
    Raid Full Team CP: 5586
    Can make 3 full team squad or 6 half team squad

    16 TOP TIER SSR ( 7 DUPES)
    5x Kyle + 2x Shinjia + 3x Gaeun + Xiao lin + Yang Harim...

    Endgame lv 33| 16 SSR with 3x 6⭐ units + 14.3 Quartz| Silver rank 9,2k CP PVP
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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