Selling  Level 120+  Total Level 2500+ Remaking updated thread

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by daury, 5/21/21.

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  1. daury

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    Price $:
    Make Offer
    I am Original owner.
    Got recent receets.
    Almost 200 days left of members.
    Ready for completionist grind.
    Second price is listed below

    Has all pvm auras, all max tier vyrewatch afk prayer auras.
    4b+ bank
    Assassin walk used (worth 7b+ and rising)
    Greater ricochet --- 1.4b
    Greater Barge --- 400m
    Mutate Flurry --- 85m
    Dragon, Demon, Undead slayer sigils -- 200m+
    and more!
    All T99 prayers --- 2.1b+
    Multible biting 4 perks(combination ones) --- 500m+
    over half of 200m archeology artefacts banked! (approx week of grind for the other half)
    Discontinued item: Battle ships
    OG Skeleton outfit
    3 letter name with space.(not random gibberish)
    20 skilling pets
    2 legendary pets
    15 keepsake keys
    few hundred cosmetics

    PVM Gear:
    Custom Fit trimmer masterwork
    Elite Tectonic
    2 sirenic sets
    Nox Staff
    Decimation for capri afk in slayer dung
    Ascension grips
    Celestial wraps
    All illuminated godbooks
    All kiln capes
    All reaper stuff including Essence of Finality with kit
    Passage of the abyss
    Brooch of the Gods
    melee and range brawlers blood amulets
    T80 laceration and Blast Diffusion boots
    T90 Fleeting boots
    Royal Cannon
    Invention Cannons
    Flair and Hailfire Boots
    Bunch of Bakri Bolts, overloads, restores and more.
    Seers elite for bolt procs.

    Artificer's Measure
    Orthen Furnace Core
    Lots of elite skilling outfits(probably all, dung included)
    A lot of items at Diango
    All Archeology mysteries done
    Wicked hood max charges and more charge tokens in bank
    Mahjarat aura

    Will AFK arch to 200m, do tetras and finish all the clues till i find a buyer, if i get another big ticket item(2b+) from clues, will increase the price.

    Sale reason, accomplished my max level cap goal, cba to pvm.

    Screens Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Wise (instant bank transfer from anywhere in the world) l>>800$<<l
    Middleman service = Costs more, since fee+wait time and other delay issues can occur + they still haven't verified me as was promised, after using MM.(been year or so, not to mention using MM was a ******* mess.)
    Some prepaid cards/ csgo skins at 40% market value.

    Account after payment in non middleman transactions.
    Scammers don't even bother.
    No time wasters.

    Discord MushrooM#2127
    #1 daury, 5/21/21
    Last edited: 5/21/21
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