There is a scammer on the website with the below usernames: Donald Rican Park C he made two different accounts, and he sells accounts that he doesn't even own! he finds other offers from different websites and posts them on playerup, he is a scammer! avoid him! I had my 2 Wizard101 accounts listed on playerup for sell, and he copied my description etc and posted it here on your guy's website. I just found out that he already made an acc on your website with the username below: Donald kumar and he got banned for scam. I contacted him via the discord account that he provides and he admitted on trying to scam people. He said "I'm sorry my friend begged for me to post it, i didn't know it was yours" On the pics below, i have the discord chat, that he admitted on scamming, with his provided discord Donald#5353 and my posts from the other website called playerup, they are my official posts that he tried to copy here. Please do something about it and ip-ban him, because he clearly got banned once for scamming and it was easy for him to make another account and continue scamming people through other services and not middleman escrow. Here are his threads on PlayerUp