Sold Endgame elesis account

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by simplicitys, 5/8/21.

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  1. simplicitys

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    +11 Perfect FoJ - 331 ERP - +11/10/11/10 all pieces r16 crimson set -
    has all endgame titles including TSS And GoE, has synergy and some important charas for collection (BQ NI CENT OZ MTM IM PO NL CES CS HR CAT IN DIA)
    2K+ spectrals in inventory along with 400 soul marks, etc.

    Account proof and screenshots will all be given. Money must be received first, and the account details will be given. If you can’t trust this method, we'll find a middleman we can both trust,...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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