Sold 4 years old duel links account, 785 played days

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Simo_ZY, 5/7/21.

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  1. Simo_ZY

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    Hi there, this account was made a month after the game was released. although he was abandoned since the xyz update..
    The main decks for me were:
    Dark magician
    Blue-eyes white dragon
    Red-eyes black dragon

    Here's a list contains all opened boxes, with how many times were opened:
    Judgement force: ✕2
    Future horizon: ✕3
    Aerial assault: ✕2.5
    Dark dimension: ✕3
    Blazing roze: ✕2
    Guardians of rock: ✕3
    Lords of shining: ✕3
    Blackstorm rising: ✕2
    Stardust acceleration: ✕2
    Empire of scarlet: ✕2
    Valiant souls: ✕2.5
    Primal burst: ✕1
    Resonance of contrast: ✕2
    Servants of kings: ✕2.5
    Electric overload: ✕1
    Crimson kingdom: ✕2
    Chaotic compliance: ✕2
    Flame of the tyrant: ✕3
    The ultimate rising: ✕2
    Age of discovery: ✕3
    When i said ✕2 or ✕2.5 that only means that i only opened that box looking for a specific cards, therefore whenever i got them i reset the box

    please watch this video for more information:

    and here's some advises if you're willing to buy this account: you'll need some good xyz monsters. If i were you, the least thing i will do is that i'll open "photon of galaxy" once, and "infinite ray" once or 3 times. and then i'll just wait until we get some new boxes with some good other xyz/synchro monsters or until a box that support any of my mine decks arrives

    contact me here:
    Discord: SimoZy#1579
    #1 Simo_ZY, 5/7/21
    Last edited: 5/7/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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