S> My Female rav/katar lv73 geared out. Naz Axe +20 (139%) Secondary Wep pvp+16//pve+16 Bottom Set Tania's all +20 ( all 135% + ) Top Set Assualt top +20 (140%) Head gear +16 (140%) complete secret stones needed for both pvp & pve lvl's 60+ most of the eido are all 2 star bunch of costumes with the right card eff maxed out inventory, all the space you need. rarely gets filled up Alts : another Rav/katar (male) lvl 72 if you feel like playing a male. *can switch gears and weps over back and forth* also both costumed out. Has a good amount of costumes included with the right cards for their sockets. lvl 65 duelist// and 3 more others below 60. PM me for more details if youre interested. Can also just post on my thread down below. I will constantly check every hr or so.