Selling  North America  Android and iOS [NA] Limited costume Dark Lord Kasel, A2 Cecilia Mid-endgame

Discussion in 'Kings Raid Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Proda Gee, 4/24/21.

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  1. Proda Gee

    Proda Gee
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    B9E16EF6-C99C-4D80-B204-87D72D613951.png BAD5F8B3-EA5D-4F8A-ABB5-758C961DC697.png A3994A4D-12DB-4122-B635-350AA470E538.png B0F73B91-CDFC-44CF-AB99-A76467BA1D1A.png 14C2CB36-1166-403B-8721-E3D535934E1F.png 37 Heroes owned with costumes for almost all of them, account is Physical main
    Account has
    Cecilia A2 5*UW 3*UT,
    DLK A1 5* UW
    Shea 5* Uw
    Naila 4* UW
    3 NPC heroes Loman with UW, Juno With UW, and gladi, 25k off his UW, also have nickys UW
    Account has lots more supports built as well almost all physical characters
    Can do galg 4, and can auto 100% galg 3
    5k Gems on hand
    Account is linked to dummy Facebook. which I will change the email of it to yours upon purchase
    Looking for 80$ Firm
    For more info contact me on discord Prods#6333
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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