Selling  High End WTS High-End GAME AKUS Account

Discussion in 'Aura Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sogovegeta22, 4/22/21.

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  1. sogovegeta22

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    Hello everyone, I am selling my High-End Game AKUS Account for $1300 (but #). This account has been heavily invested ever since it was made and up until now. The account can heavily solo and carry most of the dungeons that exists in this game (Except the new nightmare dungeons). Its a fun account that delivers a variety of classes that has been made in this account, ready to be used!

    What does this account includes?
    - A full +30 Holy Spirit set (Slvl 10) (Bestial)
    - A full +30 Eternia Set (Slvl 5)
    - A full +30 Holy Chest
    - A full +30 Magic Sundering Set (lvl 95) (Spiky/Shadow)
    - A full +30 Wild Howl set accessories (lvl 95)
    - Full +30 Elemental Trophies - Cultural Relics (lvl 95)
    - Different +30 Weapons for certain classes
    - A really high Eidolon Archive/Points
    - Maxed out Costume Archive
    - 12 Characters that you can play however you want!
    - Some sellables that's still in the Inventory/Bank

    Some of this information are already included in the pictures that I provided so check them out!

    Why do I have Bestial/Spiky/Shadow for my damage sets?
    - It's because I use two different sets. What you call Damage Set and Movespeed set. So you can speedrun dungeons while keeping your best Damage done to everything.

    Why so many Holyswords?
    - This account was invested to carry VOEs/Gaias and more dailies. Slvl 11 and Slvl 8 HS can carry the VOE with no problem.
    The Slvl 1 holysword that's in this account has to hit Slvl 5 in order to carry VOE. So that's (2 VOES a day for you to carry already!)

    I am only accepting Paypal as a payment method. None else.

    If you need more information, just give me a message and I will deliver it to you! (I could even provide you a Livesteam in discord to provide you with more safety and proof!)
    Just message me here or in discord (I will probably reply faster in discord more)

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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