Selling  Android  High End Day 1 acc. 500+days logged, 57 5 stars, Kanto trio, leon, etc. - 120

Discussion in 'Pokemon Masters Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ludi123, 4/21/21.

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  1. ludi123

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    Account contains:

    EX SS Red 3/5
    EX SS Blue - 4/5
    SS Leaf - 2/5
    EX Skyla 3/5

    After converting powerups to 5* potentially can make 3/4 EXs

    400+ 1* power ups
    250+ 2* power ups
    400+ 3* power ups
    190+ 4* power ups
    20+ 5* power ups

    2 - 5* striker candy
    1 - 5* support candy
    9 - striker move candy
    19 - tech move candy
    7 - support move candy

    400+ - champion spirits
    700+ - power up tickets
    200 - 5* scout tickets
    alot of lucky cookies

    35k+ - sync orbs
    over 100 unique eggmons (only with 3 passives)
    rest of mats in high quantity

    Still playing daily, doing events etc.

    Payment via PayPal (You can use Middleman)

    More info/photos on msg.

    Contact Discord: Ner#7320

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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