Sold K21,12.7M power,4 uncommon sub and 1 common sub

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Luhimesa, 4/21/21.

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  1. Luhimesa

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    My Location:
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    Most of my troops are level 8 and a level 2 scorpio spiritual monster

    Marshall is on Keep Duty, all subs have mayors appointed with books

    65k gems and 2.5M gold and more in items

    RSS are 999+ in chests

    Monarch level is 22

    Lots of items, equipment and refining stones

    I only have one condition:- change the display name after you buy, don't keep it as Mimea

    All generals are yellow or purple m1.jpg m2.jpg m1.jpg m2.jpg m3.jpg m4.jpg m5.jpg m6.jpg m7.jpg m8.jpg m9.jpg m10.jpg m11.jpg m12.jpg m1.jpg m2.jpg m3.jpg m4.jpg m5.jpg m6.jpg m7.jpg m8.jpg m9.jpg m10.jpg m11.jpg m12.jpg

    Server 465
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