I have a level 60 sorc, reaper, and preist. a level 40ish bezerker, and a level 30ish archer. The item level of the main mystic is 184, she is wearing things before the 65 patch. there is about 69k gold, with tons of items and costumes on each character. Here is a screenshot of each bank tab. Gyazo - 1b29e66edd49719cc284e79eeee4d8b6.png The mystic, along with the other characters have mounts. I have a account mount too, boneshaker. here is another little screenshot. Gyazo - 05d2cc6e38d65dd17ded4ba877a5a207.jpg She has a pet, and so does the sorc. I don't know a asking price yet, but if you would like to talk it over, please message me. <3 whitechickya (at) hotmail (dot) com or my skype - forevergrieving