Sold S [NA] r12 crimson armor + add (MP)account

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KamiGami, 4/9/21.

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  1. KamiGami

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    I barely check notifications here so add me on discord and avoid engaging here! :D

    b/o : 370$
    Type: crimson
    Enhancements: 9/9/11/10
    Reforges: 12/12/12/13

    Or selling the whole add acc with this armor

    Basic info:

    b/o: 800$

    Erp 277
    +11 perf foj MP main
    (Above mentioned crimson set)
    7w IB + raid accessories + MR accessories etc
    10/10/11/10 enhancement perfect elrianode set(blue)
    +11 foj DoM alt
    + costumes + IBs +raidable alts etc


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