I've been playing LaTale for a very long time now and decided to sell off my account. The account has a Level 196 BladeMaster/189 Sword Dancer. Lv 19x Hero/185 HighLander. Level 171 Ruin Walker/178 Rogue Master. Lv 71 Templar. Lv 141 Duelist. Lv 56 Warlord. The BladeMaster can solo TAID, and most of the dungeons, besides Degos and above. The HighLander can solo BegVinTaid good amount of time and provide services for it. Both BladeMaster and Hero/HighLander are the main characters I mostly use and have the better equips and pets. Are able to clear Coli quick as well. In the Bank there's 36 Bank Slot Available BladeMaster equips : Have 80 Inventory Space Available in each Tab. Have Degos Equip and Coli plus 8 Set, all with good enchants. Have an incoming Twilight Set coming up, only pieces right now and enchanted as well. Other items are in the inventory also. Gems : For Red, it's mostly STR Gem and 1 TDD Gem. Yellow are all Luck Gem. Blue has 1 HP Gem, rest are not enchanted. This goes for 1-3rd slot. Master Slot has around 8% So Far. Max Damage I believe. As for Hero/HighLander equips : Full Coli Set plus 8 reduced to Lv185, Degos Set for Hero, Red Flame Lv 170 Set, plus 15 Advanced Coli Spiral Sword with 3x/8x Min/Max. Has a Dragon-Poe Mount as well. Gems: 2 TDD Red. 2 Luck Yellow. We can discuss more on the account and what it have via Skype or something related. Skype : naser.al.haddad Sets : Ishutaru Set, Hero Set, LunarShadow Set, RougeMaster Set, Patchwork Set,FlamingGlacier,Saito Set ,and some more