110 Million SP PVP MONSTER! Awesome skills

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Eve Online, 3/16/12.

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  1. Eve Online

    Eve Online
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    This character has too many skills to list, if you are interested please PM me and I will provide a skill breakdown. He has NO industry, and most science is geared towards pvp skills. I am not posting all skills publically but happy to show interested parties. I am doing this to protect the new owner. He can fly Minmater carrier (5) Minmater dread (5) recons 5 heavy interdictors 5 heavy assault ships 5 fighters 5 fighter bombers 5 support skills are nearly maxed for every ship he can fly! Clean name, good corp history. In a top PVP corp right now ( with no roles, can be in npc corp instantly ). I am the original owner of the account!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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