Selling Rank 9 Warframe Account

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by cyti, 4/9/15.

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  1. cyti

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    Hello People i want to sell my Rank 9 Warframe Account
    This are the Frames i have already Built.
    Volt Prime + Reactor (newest prime warframe Hes laso the one with the Biggest nenergy Pool in the Whole Game)
    Volt + Reactor
    Rhino Prime + Reactor
    Nova Prime + Reactor
    Chroma Prime + Reactor

    All of the Rank 30 of Course.

    This are the Frames ready to be built.
    Ember Prime
    Mag Prime
    Nyx (Already had nyx but after i got it to rank thirty i deleted her this was when i was small account xD)
    This are the Weapons i have
    Primary Weapons
    Boltor Prime + Catalyst (Endgame High Tier Weapon very strong)
    Paris Prime (Best Bow in the Game)
    Latron Prime (You can not acquire this Weapon in the game anymore so its preety Rare and its a damn good weapon)
    Secondary Weapons
    Synidcate Gammacor + Catalyst (Look it up in the internet you don need ANY other secondary weapons because this thing is so strong)
    Dex Furis + Catalyst (1st Waframe Anniversiry Weapon by now you cant acquire it in the game anymore)
    Melee Weapons
    Orthos Prime + Catalyst (One of the best Weapons for Directional Melee / Coptering = Fast Movement)
    Dragon Nikana + Both Rare stance mods (You can Only get this Weapon if you are Rank 8 and made a Nikana out of the Nikana you then can Make Dragon Nikana which i already did for you.)
    Scindo Prime + Catalyst (This Weapon is an Heavy Axe and very Effective with Volt Prime since the lack of attack speed i nullified by Volts second Abbility that increase running speed and attack speed its a Weapon that you can make good use of in High Level Void Missions also this Weapon needs preety Rare Stuff to Craft it)
    Bo Prime (If you Play Warframe you know how rare Bo prime Handle is but nope you already have it crafted for you ^^)
    Silva&Aegis (This is a Sword Shield Combo and the only of its kind in the Game when you do a Jump attack it realeses an AOE fire attack)
    Fang prime (another High Demand weapon that is preety popular)
    The Dex Dakra (it is the 2nd anniversiry Weapon that you could only get by loging in the time when the 2nd anniversiry was
    . This Weapon when rightfully Modded and Yes i also did that for you is the Weapon with the strongest Spinattack of frickin 7k)

    All the Melee Weapons are Rank 30

    I have Deatchube sentinel Shade sentinel (turns you invisible) and my most beloved Carrier which is like a vacuum cleaner getting everything from the floor like drops energy orbs helath orbs and other stuff this will be your Best freind i guarantee :D

    Archwing&Archwing Weapons

    Odonata rank 24 (its a crap ton of time to rank Archwing stuff)
    Verticus Rank 30
    Imperator Rank 30

    I dont know how could i fit in here all the mods i have i have all Nightmare Mods a Crapton of Stances even Rare ones like High Noon and the Stances for the nikanas and even a Primed fire damage mod for the Weapon of Doom named Syndicate Gammacor But i guarantee you that these Weapons has the best Mod combination there are,
    Dex Dakra ("Most Spin attack damage in the Whole Game jump attack and Wall attack are preety High too+Slash+Viral" Build)
    Boltor Prime ( Puncthrough and Rip everything apart build xD)
    Paris Prime (High Crits Punchthrough and if you want i have mod that make the paris p arrows explode and inflicting blast damage from time to time)
    Scindo Prime (Blender of Death Build when used with Volt Prime Build)
    Well the aother weapons i have are good too but i didnt used theme as much as these ones and with All of the mods i have i cant think of that oyu couldnt do a good Orthos build or something like that

    Just from how every peace actually costs in Platinum this Pack is sure preety damn good Worth but since i dont know the exact value I just pick value but the Price is preety much #.
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