Hey everyone unfortunately I have lost interest in this game and have been to busy with work and such to actually have time to play it so im looking to sell my account and all that's with it which includes Lvl 53 account with vip 3 and a Small amount of gold and gems The cards include Legendary cards are Legendary iron fist tallis Legendary Wind-Dancer Elke Legendary Feles-Scout Legendary Fenris The Butcher Legendary Noella Frost Legendary Mifuzuna the wind Legendary Ofeigur The Undying Legendary Undead King Bael Legendary Ancient Chimera and last is Legendary Ark Sniper The Account includes over 100 + Epics and tons of random rares and such Im looking to get around 70-80$ paypal for this account but it can be # if Needed just send me an email at [email protected] if interested or leave a reply here Thanks for taking your time to read this and if any more info is needed on the account just leave me a msg on here or email and I will respond to you asap
Lowering the price down to 35$ only for today just leave me a msg on here or on the post if interested.