Sold [NA] Aisha Account

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by killzone9876, 3/28/21.

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  1. killzone9876

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    I am looking for an Aisha Account, any class. I will give you a b.o depending on what it has, I have a few minimum requirements before you reach out to me.

    minimum requirements;
    +11 Foj or Vestiage
    100+ erp
    Must be the original owner with the secret question

    my budget will be what your account has to offer. Add me on discord:
    MootMoot (No.1 Signora Simp)#0594

    I’ve been in this market long enough (since 2015, so don’t think you’ll scam me easily if that’s your approach)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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