First things first, have spent a total of £3.99 since Lvl 1, all you have is whats been awarded in-game... Has been linked to Gmail since day 1 so it can still be bound to facebook. (the gmail address was set up solely for this Ffbe App so you can have the google email address as well if required).... Global Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Account Rank Lvl 225 (only been bound to google) Capped 200 mil gil Lapis 53750 27 x Nv units (18 x 1*, 7 x 2*, 2 x 3*) (2 doubles Sol & Onion knight) 610 Max Lvl king metal miniature 93 King tough pots & 50 tough pots 40 King soul pots & 85 soul pots & 40 mini pots 101 King smart pots & 75 smart pots & 65 mini pots 44 King shield pots & 75 shield pots & 95 mini pots 15 King power & 7 power pots & 8 mini pots 65 King Magi pots & 33 magi pots 182 King Burst pots & 120 burst pots 1600% TMR moogles (140 x 1%, 12 x 5%, 45 x 10%, 19 x 50%) 85 x STMR tickets 1100 Red star quartz Max Lvl Espers... (Ifrit,Diabolos,Bahamut,Leviathan,Asura,Kokuryu) 90 x 9* Equipment (mostly enhanced) 18 9* abilities Various other Lvl 120 units, will furnish with other screenshots if required..