Looking to sell my account as time is no longer on my side. Have all Dragonslayer Titans Level 60 and Prestiged, 2 Beowulf, 2 Necromancer (one maxed and prestige, one level 53). Maxed relics include Actaeons Arms, Dragonslayer, Divine Touch, Earthshaker, Nightwhisper, Shadowdancer, Sverd Og Skjold and Amber of Dragons. All troops level 25 except Archers which will be level 25 in 10 days. 1182 gems, 478 Divine Gems. So many maxed titans and relics you are a top level player with this account. Please let me know if interested. Spent more $$ than I'd like to admit and just hoping to recoup some for the instant high level account. $550 OBO
I would like to buy it but how can I play your account on my iOs devices? I'm new and just looking if there is any guide or instructions how to do it? Thanks