@Middleman Please end this conversation I honestly do not wanna continue this childish bickering over someone who’s clearly trying to scam people on this website.
These pictures are the most recents. You are playing with the game. @Middleman can see the exact times. If i have the account i could transfer my data. Everybody knows it. You are just speaking nothings. You are a real scammer. You havent send a proff yet!!!! I have been sent proof with every comment.
The reason why the @Middleman not closing this thread is that I am the only one who can send proof of my truth!!
@Middleman These pictures the proofs of that HinatasOnlyFans stole my account and played with it since i told that!!!!!!!! Today morning i managed to transfer my old account. HinatasOnlyFans didnt transfer yesterday, so i could. The Dragon Ball Legends transfer system logic: One player can transfer just once within 24 hour. Thats the reason i always showed the transfer incomplete pictures. These pictures will show that HinatasOnlyFans playing with my account the whole time and stole it from me. 1: LOGIN Login pictures (the exact date and time in the picture metadata and name) Attached pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4 2: LOGIN BONUS After the succesfull login i got the daily login bonus. The middleman can see that somebody appected the yesterday and before and so on bonus too. If nobody playing with the game i dont get it. In the Login picture it shows that the login bonus start and end period. Somebody accepted the whole bonuses. Attachd pictures: 5, 6, 7 3: TEAMS There are player teams that i didnt see. The Middleman can see my whole characterlist in the conversation pictures in the conversation beginning. These pictures that i uploded in the trading post/thread. I didnt have a Blue Buu:Kid. HinatasOnlyFans got that player while arguing with me and dont paid. Attached pictures: 8 4: SUMMON HISTORY Middleman can see the Summon History list and dates. I transfered this account today and somebody summoned yesterday too. It was HinatasOnlyFans. Attached pictures: 9, 10, 11 5: PLAYER INFOS Middleman can see that player name is Angel, how i told in the conversation before!!! My name was bekesi6386! All of infos in the treading conversation chat picture. Attached pictures: 12 6: Adventures These adventures was made by another person. It was HinatasOnlyFans. Attached pictures: 13 The problem with this that HinatasOnlyFans one day can transfer the account from me becaouse once he got the login infos and transfered it with Facebook., gmail, game center. So he can transfer it anytime if i dont transfer every day. So i want my money for my account because i could not play with the game normally in the future.
Are you serious dude ? Did you really just change the name of the account to my damn name ... You really want the money so bad you’re willing to just basically commit fraud and make it seem like I had access to the account. That’s really a low blow lol
Haven’t had access to the account like I said multiple times. I needed access to your Twitter when you changed the login so therefore I need verification again but you never gave it to me a second time so there was no possible way for me to log in.
@Middleman Do something. I havent got my money and cannot colse the trading post because of the investigation.