Selling  Wizard 101 leveling from 140 storm

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Boosting and Leveling - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ztw19999, 3/14/21.

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  1. Ztw19999

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    Hello I have been playing this game since the very beginning and I can help you boost your account in many different ways. I can level up your characters, get them gear, hatch and train pets or even craft of farm spells. I have a 140 storm with 160 damage and 100 crit and I can help you with anything. All prices are # just message me and we can work out something that works for both of us :)
    Wizard City: $2
    Krokotopia: $5
    Marleybone: $5
    Mooshu: $7
    Dragonspyre: $12
    Celestia: $15
    Zafaria: $18
    Avalon: $20
    Azteca: $23
    Khrysalis Pt 1&2: $26
    Polaris: $18
    Mirage: $23
    Empyrea: $25

    I have a discord and kik
    Discord is Beachzone#1465
    And kik is zach.witham
    #1 Ztw19999, 3/14/21
    Last edited: 3/14/21
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