I want to Sell a Rise Of mythos account LVL 69 VIP 8 on the server Desert Fortress Account has the following 3.100.000 silver 380 gold 1 lunar chest legendary 2 lunar chest epic 1 legendary gem 2 gender change ticket 4 fire opal 7 epic gem Legendary cards 1 Squire 1 Crusader Lucanus 1 Eacann the Charger 1 Crossbow Captain 1 Juliet 1 Cancer 1 Elven Marksman 2 Elven High Priestess 1 Tanwen Wildfire 1 egasus Raid Leader 1 Ophelia West-Wind 1 Elven Frost Sorcerer 1 Silva the Frozen Heart 1 Tariel the Phalanx 1 Gemini 1 Feles Swordsman 1 Feles Assassin Master[Mifzuna the Wind 1 Centaur Guerrilla Leader 1 Tengu Shadow Warrior 1 Tengu Bloodseeker 1 Sylvi Ranger 1 Noella Frost 1 Sagittarius 1 Joe 1 Ofeigur the Undying 3 Prince Serka 1 Chieftain Lionroar 1 Dread Phantom 1 Cain the Traitor 1 Doom Rider 1 Raid Captain Gubba 1 Chief Sharptooth 2 Dark Elf 1 ARK Thumper 1 Healing Prayer more then 350 different epic with a lot of them 7 to 10 piece