Sold [Ritual] lvl 99 slayer 51m dps + many tabs +MTX + 36/40 Ritual challenges

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by slyverine, 3/3/21.

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  1. slyverine

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    Hello there. Iam selling my PoE account because i got addicted to it and want to get rid of it! As you will see the account is well prepared with a very geared Cyclone Slayer with 51.7m dps which makes all content easy , some paid tabs like currency, fragments,maps,delve, 2 premium and 2 extra tabs.

    I will give you the account with currency, as with the account you get all my current currency which is 101 EXALTED ORBS . With that you can further upgrade your slayer or easily make a second even third fully geared character.

    The account has some MTX like helmet skins, portal effects and weapon effects + unlocked the hideout from ritual league (36/40 challenges) see more in the pictures below.

    Everything is farmed BY HAND, never bought anything, so it is super safe.

    See the pictures below and decide for yourself, the account is super good.

    Contact me here or my discord slyverine#9999 to learn more!

    Payment Via Paypal

    Price : 130 euro or 155 USD

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