Hi, I am selling my account on server 40X, it is top 2 in JV It has LB5 nephilim x2 LB5 joan 10 stars kratos (and enough copies to LB5) 10 stars fenrir (enough copies to LB5) 10 stars psychic (enough copies to LB5) 10 stars linky (enough copies to LB5) 9 stars sonya (enough copies to lb5) 9 stars esaint (enough copies to lb5) 10 copies of vivian 9 copies of Rogue Key antiques : x1 fusion umbrella x2 invisibility cloak x1 queen's crown x1 fate mirror x1 fate guide Lots of skins Top guild on server 3 maxed pets : hunter, deerling, Robert 4 maxed labs out of 5 Asked price $400 usd Dm me at Kohen#9733 on discord for more info.