Sold WTS Rank 230 Mobage, 6 ULB Opus, Sparkable

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/random4lyf, 2/19/21.

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  1. /u/random4lyf

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    Images might be a little out of date, have been seasonal rolling on it. Please contact me for an update on whats been added since. Please DM me here or on discord Astraleah#6942


    ULB: Fraux, Octo, Seofon, Niyo, Fnf, Seox.

    MLB: Feower, Song. Untouched: Anre, Sarasa.

    Some Juuten weapons ready/in storage for uncaps.

    • Evokers, No evokers, 2 Evolite, 90 tickets, 46,337/50,000 points
    • Evoker Summons; Finished; Hanged Man and Death. The Sun is 5 Aquila Fragments away. From being finished. Mostly untouched besides those 3.

    Zodiacs: Vajra (Ringed)

    Grands: Rackam, Monika, Noa, Lucio, Zooey, Shiva, Alexiel (Summer Limited too) , Grimnir (Ringed), Rei, Orchid,

    Seraphics: ULB, 5/6 Skill 15, Wind sk10.

    • SSR's : 150

    • GB 0, 3 Dama, 1 Sunlight, no ring, 2 evo in inventory.

    • GB 1, 20 Dama, 3 rings, no evo in shop

    • Moons, Gold: 83, Silver: 216, Bronze: 430

    • No bans, shitty SD.

    # #/random4lyf
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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