Yo Im offering a lot for Discord Partner accounts and a Little less for Hypesquad Events badges. If you have an account for sale dm me here and we can go from there. When you dm me I will tell you my prices. Requirments: Hypesquad or Partner Badge Must not have any warns Must be email changeable You must show valid proof that this account is yours I will only use a middle man so no scammers I must get full access to the account once I buy so I can change pass email phone numebr 2fa stuff etc. If you meet these please do not hesitate dming me!
Offer Still Stands, Mainly Looking For Partnered Accounts/Servers! If you have a Partnered Server or Account Please dm me! No longer looking for hypesquad event accounts because I have 1 and do not need any more.
I'd like to buy a Discord Partner account, tell me the prize should be between $100-$250. Discord: Niko!#9653