WTS RANK 196 HL First Hand MOBAGE ACCOUNT Inventory: 2 Gold Bar, 3 Dama Bar, 4 Sun Stone 896 Bronze Moon 156 Silver Moon 19 Gold Moon 10 Damascus Crystals Shop - 5 Dama Bar Lots of plus marks and gacha weapons, including fodders in stash. Grid: -Fire: Agni crit grid with 2 Ixaba -Water: M2/Crit with S.Cag -Earth: M2/(Potential Titan) -Wind: M2/(Potential Zeph) -Light: M2 Crit -Dark: Hades Characters: 201 SSR -Summer: Danua, Zoey, De La Fille, Zeta, Korwa, Yuel, Rosetta, Alex, Narmaya, Diantha, Cagliostro, Percival, Beatrix, Ilsa, Mimlemel -Yukata: Anthuria, Siegfried -Halloween: Lady Grey, Charlotta -Christmas: Narmaya, Rosetta, Clarisse -Zodiacs: Andira, Mahira, Vikala, Catura -Grand: Mugen, Shiva, Sturm, Drang, Rackam, Earth Sandalphon, Golden Knight, Cain, Eugen, Grimnir, Lecia, Rosetta, Jeanne, Vira, Io, Helel, Olivia, Orchid, Black Knight, Kolulu(mention) -Eternals: 10/10, 2 FLB(Niyon, Quatre) -Evoker: Nier Grand Weapons: -Fire: Benedia 2x, Ixaba 2x, Purifying T.bolt 3x, Kerak -Water: Drang Balls -Earth: World Ender, Cerastes, AK-4A, Ichigo -Wind: Eternal Love 2x, Reunion 2x, Grim Spear -Light: Jeanne Spear, Gambanteinn, Certificus - Dark: Blutgang, Parazonium, Fallen Sword, Zoey Ribbon, Bab-El-Mundo 2x, Vagabond and Gisla Summons: -Fire: Michael, 2x Shiva, S.Satyr, 2x Surtr, Agnis, Athena -Water: Gabriel, Kaguya, Europa, Long Ji, Charybdis -Earth: Titan, Alexiel, Gilgamesh 2x, Tsuchinoko -Wind: Zephyros, Morrigna, Raphael, Freyr, S.Rosetta, Elil -Light: Zeus, Artemis, Luci ULB -Dark: Baha ULB, Hades FLB, Belial, Typhon, Sariel For more in-depth information, please refer to http://imgur.com/gallery/Ncc21vA Price: Looking for around 110 USD Paypal Reason for sale: Rarely played, also need money for food since pandemic. Buyer pays MM. You can drop a pm if you are interested. Discord: Eyrie(Kurarin)#6239 # #/Recent-Fuel4573 # .