Sold Hero Wars (Web) #19: Lv 125 - VIP 12 - Gold League - Physical (Karkh #) Team 410k - Water Titans

Discussion in 'Hero Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Enhancer 2000, 2/13/21.

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  1. Enhancer 2000

    Enhancer 2000
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    Hero Wars (Web)
    Server #19
    Lvl 125
    VIP 12
    Gold League

    Physical 5 hero Team power ~410k (Karkh #) (Astaroth, Karkh, Nebula, Faceless, Martha) Subbing in Jorgen occasionally
    Almost all resources have been going to the above five heroes, but the rest of these top 15-17 heroes are not slouching.
    Secondary 5 hero team ~180k Galahad, Quing Mao, Dante, Keira, Celeste, Jorgen, etc.

    Total Grand arena power ~780k

    All heroes obtained except cleaver.

    Water Titans 300k power / 2 star water totem lvl 81

    Can help with limited training on how to use team, though, can regularly do well in arena, regularly being able to get a spot ~60-70 in Arena if fighting correct enemy teams at the correct time of day, have been able to secure up to spot 33 in Arena in the past. I can give a list of heroes in arena/grand arena that this team can likely win (and lose) against, which makes efficient usage of 5 fights per day.

    Campaign Completed: Chapter 14 (36/42 stars)

    Willing to post account details with screenshots below, with expressed interest.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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