Sold  Europe  Less Than 1 Year Old  Verified  5.0 Star Rating  6-10 Reviews Fully confirmed, 24/7 access

Discussion in ' Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Andre Lance, 1/17/21.

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  1. Andre Lance

    Andre Lance
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    Price $:
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    I rent a fully confirmed account with 24/7 access.

    Account info:
    Freelancer Membership: Premier, until 2th may 2021.
    Balance: -578$ (read prestory and my conditions)
    10 reviews 5/5.

    Prestory. I had a person working on this account. He is finished the project, got ~$600 and withdrew it. A few days later freelancer blocked the employer's account. Because of this, they are trying to get back the money (paid for the job). But since it had already been withdrawn, the balance became negative (-578$). By writing to tech support, they said they could not cancel it (because of their rules) and offered a premium membership (Premier) for six months (until May 2, 2021). After that, the person I worked with apologized and just didn't use the account anymore.

    Conditions: I will not charge for the account for the first TWO months. Beginning with the 3rd month, I will take 10% of your income, but not less than $ 100. Example: if you earned $ 500 / month, I will take $ 100. If you earn $1000/month, I will take $100. If it's $2,500/month, I charge $250 and so on.

    You can start working right now, if you agree with these terms. I am looking for a long-term and reliable partner.

    IMPORTANT: If you do not agree with the terms, do not write to me. Do not waste your time.

    My skype: live:.cid.37bb4024fcb9ce34
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Andre Lance

    Andre Lance
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    The offer is still available. Write me on Skype
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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