@Gnarleeg when did you lost access to the account and is it linked to you gmail or supercell ID etc to log in the account? @PGT first you and the buyer should work together to resolve this issue rather than pointing fingers at each other.
@Help I really do not know what happened to the account of this buyer and everything. It has never been and is not on our side.And I do not know exactly what I should do now
i lost access to the account on 1-20-2021 it was linked to my gmail and supercell ID but when i try to log into the account using supercell ID it tells me there isn’t a account associated with the supercell ID/Gmail
After trying to work with PGT via Discord it didn’t solve anything. I’ve changed the gmail password 3 times but he gets into the gmail with the original password he sent me. I logged into the gmail tried sending the supercell ID number to the email but no email has been received which is another reason i think the account has been recovered
@Support can you give your take on this please? You might have better idea on what exactly happened to the CoC account.
Looks like previous owner recovered the account. @PGT contact your supplier/previous owner and try to get the account back or try to recover the account by contacting supercell.
I contacted the previous account owner. He says this has never happened. And he doesn't even play coc anymore . I have sold many accounts. Our team does not buy from anonymous
It’s up to the seller how his warranty works.Also the seller has sold 100+ accounts so if 1 account has issues that doesn’t mean his accounts aren’t secure.In this business no seller can give you 100% guarantee that his accounts will not have any issues.Every seller buy and resell.
hello to the fast and excellent support I reviewed the messages and talked to the buyer and seller Or the seller must recover the account and return it to the buyer Or if he can not return the money
if he can’t recover the account i would be willing to receive another account that was on par with it
@Support You have more experience, this is just a question. This account problem was not created by the buyer at all? Is this not possible?