Sold WTS Rank 216 Acc End Game + 2 Sparks

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Razel_1996, 2/1/21.

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  1. /u/Razel_1996

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    -2 Sparks ready

    -225 SSRs

    -18/35 Summer/Yukata Units

    -4/9 Halloween Units

    -5/12 Xmas Units

    -All Zodiacs

    -12/15 Legfes Units

    -16/17 Flashfes Units

    -FLB All Eternals except for Song, Sarasa and Quatro (Just missing relic fragments)

    -8 Evokers with 1 Evolite

    -3 Sunstones

    -2 GB (4 symbol stones)

    -6 Dama, 10 left in shop

    -305 GM, 94 Silver, 143 Bronze

    -6 ULB Opus Weapons

    -All ULB Astral Weapons

    -All Optimus Series ( 2 Flb, 2* Zeph, 2* Zeus, 1* Titan, 0* Varuna)

    -All Primarchs missing Sariel and Raphael

    -All Providence (ULB Baha, Flb Belial and 0* Lucifer)

    -Fire, Water, Dark Primal

    -Pieces for primal grids for other elements

    Please check the imgur album for more info or pm me for questions

    Payment via Paypal. MUST have MM (for safer transaction), fee on buyer. Or buyer pays first

    Feel free to contact me on discord. At Razel #3194

    # #/Razel_1996
    # .
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