Selling  Android and iOS  Average [EU VERSION Account lvl 89 mid/end game

Discussion in 'Danmachi Memoria Freese Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TIgure, 1/30/21.

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  1. TIgure

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    My Location:
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    The account is hand leveled on android and has been played almost every day since almost the start of the EU server. I will continue to maintain the account until the sale.
    The price is not fixed and can be changed.

    My email: [email protected]
    or my discord: Tigure45#3795
    I accept paypal
    (you can contact me for question)

    Now the account: it's a lvl 89 acount there is some information :
    In war game my best is King 3 rank 2156 / 85-90% of winrate (i think i can do better with that account but don't have the time)



    Bell 1-34 clear

    Aiz 1-19 clear

    Lefiya 1-19 clear (all for now)[​IMG]

    Ryû 1-5 clear (all for now)

    I didn't make S on all so you still can get iris on story


    What I have in stock :

    ITEM :

    45M+ Valis (money)
    267 Iris



















    For more information you can join me on discord: Tigure45#3795

    Thanks you for reading and have a nice day
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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