Hello everyone, i sell my full account. Sorcerer 65 level - Full VM3 gear +12 - Armor crafting. (800) - Server Arcadia. Priest 65 level - some old gear. - Alchemy crafting. - with some rare recipes. (800) - Server Arcadia. Mystic 65 level - some old gear. - Etching crafting. (800) - Server Arcadia. Archer 65 level - some old gear. - Server Arcadia. Slayer 65 level - old devastator gear. - Weapon crafting. (800) - Server Zenobia. Lancer 60 level - some old gear. - Server Zenobia. Best char is Sorcerer: Full reputation (All revered) with some credits. Achievments points have only "Silver". Gear... Archetype +12 with TOP stats, weapon is 3.5 (Krakatox bone) and belt is too VM3. Jewerly have TOP stats mixed PvE and PvP. In my bank: 1500 VII Savagery, some items (crafting and others), 150 000 golds, some costumes, pets. Charms and next consumer goods. - crystals, vyrsks, campfires, potions, nostrums and others. Account have original key - Veteran account. if some have offers, you can add me on Skype: malejkrtecek I hope my character finds a new and quality owner.
Little edit - In bank is too 100x Canephora, 100x Bravery, 200x premium heal potions. Slayer have in bank 60 000 golds. Reaper (65 but on Veritas) have in bank 30 000 golds, with Alchemy master, and some Ambit gear +12.