Sold Life Wizard lvl 70 - 100

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Searching Life, 1/20/21.

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  1. Searching Life

    Searching Life
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    Hello there,

    After having played Wizard101 on the EU server for some years (lvl 90+ Ice Wizard), I would like to return to this game with a Life Wizard this time. As my time is sparse and I do not feel like spending hours and hours to do quests in the areas I already completed years ago, I am willing to spend money on a Life Wizard that is at least lvl 70 and maximum lvl 100. I might be interested in alternative offers as well if they seem interesting.

    Some aspects that are ESSENTIAL:

    - I am only interested in a US server account
    - The offer will have to be somewhere between 30 - 50 USD, I am ready to spend less than 30 USD as long as the offers seems legitimate, not more than 50 USD!
    - I don't care about gear, housing, pets etc
    - Account has to be unmuted, no other restrictions should be imposed on this account
    - You will need to provide some kind of proof that this account belongs to you (for example by giving screenshots, typing your nickname here into the chat..)
    - To all scammers: don't waste my time!
    - A transaction will only take place if I am convinced you're into a legitimate business
    - That being said, I will most definitely guarantee you I am not playing and if you can gain my trust, you will receive the money
    - You can reply to this thread or send me a PM here

    Kind regards
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