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Discussion in 'Help - Find Support Answers' started by zSlike, 1/20/21.

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  1. zSlike

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    Unverified Member

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    Olá, recentemente vendi minha conta pelo site e até agora não consegui resgatar o valor da conta, alguém poderia me ajudar por favor? pedido 80W88564AH364233A
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  2. PlayerUp

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    Automated Helper Bot
    Bot Status (Automated): Handles automated general support inquiries

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    Thank you for submitting a support ticket with the general support (non middleman support) department.

    Please note that this support doesn't handle middleman/playerup purchases/orders/payments as you'll need to contact the middleman department directly here regarding this. Your ticket won't be redirected so please make sure to open a new ticket with the correct department.

    Assuming this is a general support inquiry, an agent will assist you shortly. Meanwhile while waiting, you can also get help or find your answer here:

    Regular Support
    For all non-middleman help related questions, please follow these instructions:
    1). View the Guides Section for all commonly asked questions
    2). View our Knowledge Base for all other commonly asked questions
    3). If these sections above don't answer your question, please submit a Help Ticket here.
    4). You can contact an agent or moderator directly using the chat system.

    If you believe someone has possibly scammed/frauded you, please Open A Dispute Form (takes 2 minutes). Filing a report will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute.

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  3. Help

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    It usually takes 1-72 HOURS for the transaction to begin once the buyer has completed their verification procedure.

    If you are the buyer...
    Middleman: Buyers Guide | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
    In case you haven't yet, you have to activate your order and finish your verification first. To do so please follow the instructions inside your order's Private Conversation or Pre Middleman Order Startup ticket or just click this and fill up the form with the corresponding information needed.

    Please check the link below if your transaction has yet to begin even after the 72-HOUR mark of completing your order verification.
    My PlayerUp Middleman Order / Buy / Purchase didn't activate or start up? How can I fix this? | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    NOTE: Payments via CC/Debit Card might take longer to get verified as it will need to be checked and verified thoroughly due to CC/Debit scams.

    In your online banking's transaction history you should be able to check the status of the order you just made here, if it says "Pending" it could only mean 2 things; its either PlayerUp has yet to claim the deposit you sent or your Bank is holding it for security reasons in which you would most likely need to call your bank and confirm that it was you who made this purchase.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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