Sold High End US and GE Account

Discussion in 'Heroes and Generals Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheRealZahero, 1/14/21.

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  1. TheRealZahero

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    Excellent Heroes and Generals account based on the United States and German factions. Soviet Union has a little bit of progress but not much. Account is strong in the FPS aspect of the game, and has a few assault teams for GE and US (but not many).

    US Side Includes:

    M1/M2 Carbine Infantry Soldier
    M1919 Infantry Soldier
    Captured AVS Infantry Soldier
    Scoped M1 Garand Infantry Soldier (with exclusive M1G Event Camo)
    Thompson Infantry Soldier
    M9A1 Bazooka Anti-Tank Infantry Soldier
    Pistol Spam + M1 Garand Infantry Soldier
    M1 Garand Medic Infantry Soldier
    Stock M1 Garand Infantry Soldier

    Paratrooper with all the useful guns.
    Tanker with Stuart, Chaffee, Lee, and starter tank.
    Recon with good camo + 8x Scope OHK Bolt Action Rifle.
    Pilot with Light Plane

    GE Side Includes:

    Scoped StG-44 Infantry Soldier (has purchased MP40 w/ camo, MG42, OHK Bolt Action, 2 pistols, MG34, G43)
    MG-13 Infantry Soldier
    Kar98k OHK w/ P08 Medic Infantry Soldier
    FG-42 Infantry Soldier
    StG-44 Infantry Soldier
    Granatbucshe Anti-Tank Infantry Soldier

    Paratrooper with G43 + Exclusive Event Camo Shovel
    Tanker with Luchs, Hetzer, Tiger I, and Panzerkampfwagen Ausf IV H.
    Recon with OHK Kar98k + 8x Scope
    Recon with Green Pea Camo + MP40
    Pilot with Legacy Bf109, Recon Plane, and ME410 (Heavy Plane)

    SU Side Includes:

    PPSh-41 Infantry Soldier
    Stock SVT Infantry Soldier

    Paratrooper with Stock SVT
    Tanker with T-26
    Recon with OHK Mosin Nagant
    Pilot with Recon Plane

    If interested, contact me on:
    Discord: Suzuki#4079
    LINE: xxvalderxx
  2. OP

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    Price can be changed. DM me if interested.
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