How does all this prove that I have two accounts on the playerup? Yes, I can use one bitcoin wallet, we have a common business and I do not hide it. But all these actions do not violate the rules of the site. To fake a telegram? Really? Your mail is, is your nickname on the forum xantery, but telegram xantery is not yours?LOL, rly? Identical time of all your fake letters (at first these were my guesses, but you admitted that you wrote yourself). Write threats and create fake buy requests in order to prove that I have a common bitcoin wallet with a colleague? Well done, but it's not forbidden. Now prove that Bill is my second account. I think the moderator already sees devices, ip, etc.
You are not my competitor on this service. You can't be him without any reputation on this service, you even don't know how middleman works.
Don't talk nonsense, what's the point of faking something if you have these correspondence? The dispute is dealt with here. Nobody's faking anything here except you, dude. Or do you want to isolate me and send your fake emails to the moderator? I propose to decide everything publicly, the fact that you ask me not to post them is already suspicious. Fake letters can be seen through in Photoshop, etc., so it won't save you.
You know better, how to make fake letters and telegram correspondence. I can provide access to this mails. According to your telegram "proofs": Why I wrote to you in English?
Diamond accounts have less vanity and you are bronze. Your reputation is worth $ 20 and it looks like it's going down. I have two complaints from a buyer (whom you also complained about) who cannot prove anything and from a seller who cannot compete with the price, makes fake sales requests and threatens in the telegram. Do you need a genius to use a middleman? Don't worry, I'll do it as soon as I deal with fake complaints.
NIce argument. Why you wrote tell me now lol? 9a it's your device or idk. Anyway it proves nothing.Moderator can see device and other details and he will see that my ACC and Bill used from different devices IP etc
To pretend that I am someone else. Why should I do it when wrote you in telegram from my playerup name?
Because you are not clever enough? I knew that it was you before u downloaded screens. similar time, similar Nick names and gmail topic theme, funny guy.
so why did you write to me in English from your mail and telegram? An inconvenient situation when you got entangled in your own lies, isn't it? When all "your" proofs prove nothing, but you need to write something to drag out the time of my investigation) Good luck, I see no reason to further argue with you. Not a single proof and questions why you are writing to me in English at the time when you yourself sent a screenshot where you are writing to me in English, you are a "genius". Why would I do a second account now and not during suspension? This is ridiculous @LordYar According to this I was threaten you from that mails. If there are some threats: Can you post screenshots of it? From these mails I was writing to two different users, as you post it - you have access to mail that @Bill*8 provided in his thread. Likely @Bill*8 is someone who just created account to post thread with mail that belongs to you.
okay, who cares about your opinion? Is there a proof that this is my second account? I have already explained everything else above. Pretend to be someone else and get proofs. there is no point in this topic. I have already explained that this is my partner. More likely, you have now created a second account for yourself in the same section. You create accounts of fake buyers "pretend to be them", threaten in the telegram, and then write to the mail as if you are canceling orders because I have problems on the forum that you are trying to create yourself. LOL. then you blame me to buy some time and get an extra $ 50 from the client. This is already a model of behavior. How can you be trusted?
Why is there still no proof that I broke the rules and have two accounts? All you have proven is what I explained before you. The fact that I work with a partner and that you are pretending to be someone else to prevent me from working and threaten it