my discord bud'gotov#0632 and telegram @comingforyou22 Of the main ones: ESP. AIM. Bypass - a high-quality bypass of EAC at a high level that will ensure a safe game for the account. Spoofer-replacing your HWID (hardware id). No fps drops. Only x64 systems! 7 days - 8$ 14 days - 10$ 21 days - 15$ 30 days - 20$ Functionality ESP ESP-Enable ESP 2D Box-Show boxes Skeleton-Show the skeleton Health-Show health Nickname - Show the nicknames of the opponents Distance - Distance to the enemy Weapon in hands-Show weapons in the hands of MISC enemies Rapid fire - Rapid fire Bullet Teleport - Teleportation of bullets Silent aim - Silent aimbot No spread-Anti-spread No reload-Anti recoil AIM AIM - On/Off FOV - the FOV Size Sticky aim - Sticking aim Target lock-Capture the target Visible only-The aim works only for visible goals