Selling  High End ProjectQT Active/Top 3 Server and Cross/VIP 11/ Level 110/Top Girls

Discussion in 'Nutaku Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by carbonxela, 1/6/21.

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  1. carbonxela

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    Looking to sell my ProjectQT and Nutaku Account.
    I have all girls with the exception of 3 that are not current # or even really used. All of the top girls are high level, high promotion and ready for any kind of setup. For the past 6 months, I've average top 3 or better both in normal arean and grand arena ranking with other servers. I have almost all the H-Scenes unlocked as well. All of the monster girls are unlocked at level 6, Currently $100 in diamonds on account.

    This account has been 100% purchased with my own money and with my own time and while I will not be getting back what I've invested I also want something fair and decent so $1500 is my asking price but I am open to offers. If you wanna see more images, you can PM me and ill be happy to share info or images.


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